2019 Grant List

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2019 Grant List




The St. Joe Community Foundation, Inc. provided over $3.5 Million in response to over 180 grant applications from non-profits in 2019.   The Foundation continued to assist local non-profits with Hurricane Michael relief and  rebuilding efforts in Bay County and had provided over $1.6 Million at the 1 year anniversary of Hurricane Michael.  Of that, over $440K was provided to Bay Education Foundation to assist with rebuilding athletic programs and providing mental health services for Bay District School students, teachers and staff, all being a direct need due to Hurricane Michael. 

The Foundation found food insecurity to a common concern from many area non-profits and responded by providing funding to many food banks, including Food for Thought, Food 4 Kidz, A Hand Up Global Outreach, Mercy Chefs, St. Andrew Christian Care, South Walton’s First Baptist Church – Open Door Food Pantry, Trinity Lutheran Church and Feeding the Gulf Coast to assist with the services they are able to provide for those in need. 

The Foundation provided many grants to schools through Walton Education Foundation to assist with funding for laptops, scholarships, technology and athletic needs; two of the largest grants to fund library books for the new Dune Lakes Elementary school and over $225K for technology to be used in the newly opened Magnet Innovation Center and continued to support Gulf Coast State College and FSU-PC programs through their Foundations.

The Ronald McDonald House, Children’s Volunteer Health Network, St. Andrew Bay Medical Center, Sacred Heart Foundation, Covenant Hospice, Life Management of NWFL, Point Washington Medical Clinic, The Scottish Rite Foundation, Gulf Coast Children’s Advocacy Center, Beach Care Services, Special Programs for Special Kids and the Early Learning Coalition of NWFL all received grants to assist with healthcare, dental care and mental health and other therapy services for under and non-insured children, families and persons with disabilities. 

Additionally, the Foundation continued to support many cultural arts events, such as Public Eye Soar, Flutterby Festival, Sinfonia Gulf Coast concert series, Emerald Coast Theater Company performances.